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The magazine is about presenting the life and faith of Catholics in a positive way. It seeks to include ordinary people in the life of the church community—particularly those who may be on the fringes of our Catholic parishes.
Discount rates are available for bulk subscriptions of 100+ copies, however smaller subscriptions are available at very reasonable rates.
Call us on 1300 72 88 46 to speak to us about how Australian Catholics magazine can best work for you.
Subscription details
Australian Catholics magazine is published four times a year and distributed to more than 130,000 families across the country. We also have two weekly online newsletters - one for Catholic Teachers, and one for Catholic parishes. Our parish newsletter features weekly Gospel reflections, homily notes, prayers of the people, and other articles to help bring faith to life in parish communities.
Individual subscriptions will be charged at the rate of $32 per year for a single subscription, plus $10 per year for each additional copy of the magazine (for four editions). Our bulk subscription rate is $5.40 per copy pear year (minimum 100 copies).
For international orders, information about back issues, or any other enquiries, please phone +613 9421 9666 or email [email protected].
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