News: For all future generations

19 February 2023

Caritas Australia’s annual Lenten fundraising and awareness-raising appeal, Project Compassion 2023, has launched.

The theme for year’s Project is ‘For All Future Generations’ and it asks us to reflect on the great yes that Mary said when the angel told her that she was to become the mother of Jesus. The great prayer Mary shared with her cousin Elizabeth says ‘all generations will call me blessed.’ Her yes is ‘for all future generations.’ 

One young person helped by Caritas is 16-year-old Laxmi who lives in one of the most remote communities in Nepal. When her father passed away when she was only 10-years-old, Laxmi stopped going to school. Before her father’s passing, Laxmi joined a child’s club at her school, which is run with the support of Caritas Nepal, through the Nepal Livelihoods and Resilience Program. Child’s clubs support students to develop their speaking, writing and leadership skills through extracurricular activities. 

Thanks to the support of her child’s club, Laxmi was encouraged to resume her education. She became an active member and developed the skills and confidence to become a leader, advocating for clean water taps at her school. 

Schools and parishes can join Caritas Q&As to interact online with our staff, partners and program participants, or download resources to learn about Caritas Australia’s work and Mission. There are also resources for how to set up a local fundraiser for Project Compassion. This year, there are accessible audio-narrated and audio-described videos for schools for each of the stories, as well as a wealth of other resources for the classroom and parish communities.

To learn more or donate to Project Compassion, visit Caritas Australia’s website: or call 1800 024 413.

Image: Laxmi (16) and her mother Mankala walk to work in their fields close to their home in Jajarkot district, western Nepal. Photo Richard Wainwright, Caritas Australia.


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