Summer 2012 How To Be Good

Editorial: How to be good

13 December 2012 EH

A lecturer was speaking to his students about faith. The lecturer, an atheist, said that faith was irrational. If God created everything in the universe, then God must have created evil. If that is the case, then God must be evil, and religious people must be wrong about God's nature.


Unguarded moments: Living the good life

13 December 2012 EH

There's a big difference between the 'good life' we're sold in commercials, and the good life God calls us to live.

A letter to Steve

Letter to Steve

13 December 2011 EH

Dear Mr Jobs,Perhaps it would have been better to have sent this letter before you died but you had such a knack for developing communication gadgets that I am sure you will find a pod or a pad or something in the afterlife to enable you to download messages from earth. I hope that should be upload.

How to be good

How to be good

13 December 2011 EH

First, pick up your wet towel and at least, for heavenssake, hang it up to dry.

MacKillop's path to goodness

MacKillop’s path to goodness

13 December 2011 EH

Primary school students living in Lithgow, New South Wales, are taking inspiration on how to be good in their daily lives from Saint Mary of the Cross MacKillop. About 30 students at St Patrick's School are members of the Junior Josephite Associates.

Teaching right and wrong

Teaching right and wrong

13 December 2011 EH

There's an old adage, 'give me a child until he's seven, and I will give you the man' (we're not sure if the hypothetical scenario takes more, or less, time for women).

Harry Potter and the Seven Heavenly Virtues

Harry Potter and the Seven Heavenly Virtues

13 December 2011 EH

The Harry Potter stories delighted us with stories of epic Quidditch matches and heroic efforts to defeat the evil wizard Voldemort. But the way Harry and his friends face obstacles they encounter can also teach us about how to face problems in our own lives.

Facing a moral dilemma

Facing a moral dilemma

13 December 2011 EH

We asked some students at St Patrick's College in Shorncliffe, Queensland, to write about a moral dilemma they have faced.


The importance of being good

Explorations: The importance of being good

13 December 2011 EH

Christianity is essentially a path to goodness, learning to express God's love for us in our actions towards others. For saints like Mary MacKillop, goodness was such an ingrained habit that it seemed to come naturally in their words and deeds.

Understanding the natural law

Understanding the natural law

13 December 2011 EH

What is Catholic Moral Theology? What does it have to teach us about how to face issues in contemporary society? Ashleigh Green talks to Professor Robert Gascoigne from Australian Catholic University.

Shining in the dark

Shining in the dark

13 December 2011 EH

What can we learn about what it means to be a good person from people whose experiences are very different from our own?