Prayers of the people: The flame of faith

14 April 2022

In this week’s intercessionary prayers for parishes, we pray with fervent faith for the hopes of the world. Second Sunday of Easter Year C, 24 April 2022.


John’s Gospel story of Jesus’ appearance to the disciples and then to Thomas is told every year on this day. A key role in the narrative is played by Jesus’ wounds. It’s at the sight of them that the disciples are filled with joy.

John develops this brief observation into the full-blown drama of Thomas’ journey from scepticism to exuberant faith. The men, it seems, needed material proof that this was Jesus.

By contrast, what made the difference for Mary of Magdala was the mere mention of her name (20:16). All four Gospels testify to the fact that women were the first believers and witnesses to the risen Lord. Two millennia later, women still keep the flame of faith alive.


For all who have lost faith in Christ, that they may find him again in the wounded of the world.


These intercessions are offered for selected use at Sunday Mass in the parish alongside those that express local needs and concerns.


Dear friends, blessed with faith in Jesus the Christ, let us pray for the whole human family to find life in his name.


We pray for Christian communities around the world, that they remain faithful to the teaching of the apostles, the fellowship, the breaking of bread and the prayers. (Pause) Let us pray to the Lord.

We pray for Pope Francis, bishop of Rome and universal pastor, that he never tire of proclaiming the peace and forgiveness of the risen Lord. (Pause) Let us pray to the Lord.

We pray for every nation afflicted with war, bloodshed and destruction, that the tragic suffering of the innocent will persuade aggressors to agree to a cessation of hostilities. (Pause) Let us pray to the Lord.

We pray for the people of lands most vulnerable to the impact of global warming, that their claims for climate justice will be given their due. (Pause) Let us pray to the Lord.

We pray for all taking part in Anzac Day services tomorrow, that they will honour the dead, comfort the grieving and wounded, and resolve to ceaselessly work for peace. (Pause) Let us pray to the Lord.

We pray for prisoners of conscience and all who are unjustly detained or falsely accused, that appeals by advocates of human rights will win them due process. (Pause) Let us pray to the Lord.

We pray for the residents of all aged care facilities, that they will be treated with respect, properly nourished and cared for with compassion. (Pause) Let us pray to the Lord.

We pray for ourselves, that like Thomas the apostle we will confess our faith in the crucified and risen Christ present among us. (Pause) Let us pray to the Lord.

We pray for the recently deceased . . . and for those whose anniversary of death occurs around this time, that they will inherit the eternal salvation promised them. (Pause) Let us pray to the Lord.


Ever-living God, your Son has saved us from the power of death. Help us bear witness to the joy of the good news. We ask this through Christ our Lord.

Image: Women at the tomb,