Australian Catholics media internship program gives Year 10 and 11 students a chance to be involved in the production of our Spring 2022 edition.
Secondary school students chosen for the week-long program, from 9 to 13 May, engage with industry leaders, learn more about the media, build skills and are involved in the production of an edition of the largest circulation Catholic print publication in the country.
The program will be conducted online, and is open to students across Australia. Successful applicants form the guest editorial team for the Spring edition of Australian Catholics and work with staff to plan, workshop and write articles for that edition.
Students in Years 10 and 11, with a passion to tell stories well are encouraged to apply. The media internship program will suit students interests in journalism, communications, media and publishing.
Jesuit Communications head of publishing, Michael McVeigh said the internship program gave students a valuable opportunity to learn, in a hands-on way, how a magazine is put together.
‘We cover all aspects of publication, from inception, the creative thinking and planning that begins the process all the way through to printing and distribution’, he said.
This year’s program will take place online from 9 to 13 May. Successful applicants will join the rest of our guest editorial team and our staff via teleconference throughout the week to plan, workshop and write articles for the Spring edition. There is no cost for students to participate in the program.
They will have the chance to learn how a magazine edition is developed, engaging in the creative thinking and planning that begins the process. We ensure they understand all the elements that bring together a publication, as well as giving them specific focus as they produce their own articles for publication.
In addition, the students will have the opportunity to attend presentations from journalists and other media professionals. These will include experienced editors and journalists working in the field; younger media professionals currently finding their creative voice in the industry; and perspectives from visual media professionals who know how to tell compelling stories with a range of technology.
Students looking to apply for the program will need the support of their school, and a nominated teacher contact. We highly recommend that schools allow students to take a week out of class for the program – either to participate from school or from home depending on the students’ circumstances.
The days will run from 9am to 3.30pm. Each day has a morning and afternoon ‘newsroom’ where students check in via videoconference and provide an update on their progress with their stories. Workshops and presentations will generally take place in the mornings, with the students then given offline time to work on their articles during the afternoons. Some space will also be provided for students to work together on shared stories.
We will require schools and students to ensure they can connect with the team via videoconferencing. Students will be required to complete their stories for the magazine in the weeks after the internship program ahead of the deadline in June.
Please note - the deadline for applications to this program has now passed. Thank you to all the students who applied for the program.
Successful applicants will be advised by the close of Term 1. Students who are unsuccessful will still be given the opportunity to contribute to future editions of the magazine via our young writers community.
Image: Getty Images
If you have any further questions about the program, or if you require more detailed information, please feel free to contact our staff at [email protected].