Using our magazine

1 February 2019

Here’s how you can use you Australian Catholics subscription to capture the imagination of students, inspire teachers in the classroom and cultivate faith in the home. 

Here’s how you can get the most from your Australian Catholics subscription.


Capture the imagination of students

Many schools use Australian Catholics as a tool in the RE classroom and other faith formation activities. Here are some of the ways the magazine is used.

  • Set students to read the articles as a fun way to start classroom discussions, debates, plays and writing exercises
  • Encourage students to enter our Young Journalist Award, or join our young writers community for the chance to contribute to each edition

  • Use our archived content to research RE assignments, explore issues in more depth and deepen understanding of the Catholic faith knowing that all content is in line with Catholic teaching.

Click here for some examples of how Australian Catholics can be used with students.


Inspire teachers in the classroom

Australian Catholics can be a helpful resource for staff formation in Catholic schools. Here are some of the ways the magazine is used: 

  • Use the liturgy resources and other articles (e.g. our Sneaky Jesus songs, or our other reflections on faith and justice) to develop prayers for staff meetings and the classroom
  • Encourage staff to add our Catholic Teacher Calendar to their desktop or mobile phone calendar, to make sure staff are aware of upcoming feasts and other days.

Click here for some examples of how Australian Catholics can inform and inspire teachers in Catholic schools.


Cultivate faith in the home

As religious participation declines among parents in Catholic schools, Australian Catholics offers a way to cultivate faith in the home. Our goal is to give families a sense that they not only belong to a school or parish community, but to a community that extends across the globe and through the centuries. Here are some ways schools use the magazine to engage with parents.

  • Send copies of the magazine home with students
  • Provide copies of the magazine at parent-teacher interviews and for volunteers
  • Ensure there are copies of the magazine available in a prominent location in the office or school chapel
  • Create a login for parents (with an AC+ subscription) and link to Australian Catholics from your school newsletter or website.

Click here for some examples of how Australian Catholics engages school communities. 


For parishes, a donation box next to the magazines in the church foyer could help cover the subscription costs of the magazine.

Call us on 1300 72 88 46 to speak to us about how Australian Catholics magazine can best work for you.