Prayers of the people: Timely advice

30 July 2021

In this week’s intercessionary prayers for parishes, we pray for the Church in Australia. St Mary of the Cross MacKillop Year B, 8 August 2021.


Mary MacKillop chose St Joseph as patron of the women she inspired with her vision of simple living and the education of poor children.

Last December Pope Francis announced a Year of St Joseph, describing him as a father who was beloved, tender and loving, obedient, accepting, creatively courageous, a working father, a father in the shadows. In 1893, Mary wrote this to her sisters: ‘Let us ask Joseph to obtain for us a generous devoted love for Jesus, a love that will make us like himself . . . A love that . . . will make us delight in serving his poor, and his neglected little ones.’

It’s timely advice for the church in this land that she loved.


For the Church in Australia, that it be renewed with Mary MacKillop’s bold faith, missionary spirit and passion for the poor.


These intercessions are offered for selected use at Sunday Mass in the parish alongside those that express local needs and concerns.


Dear friends, St Mary of the Cross devoted herself to doing God’s will and serving the poor. With her unshakeable trust in God’s providence, let us pray with confidence for all in need.


  1. For Pope Francis and all the bishops of the church, that they will welcome all who pioneer new ways of living the Gospel and caring for the poor. (Pause) Let us pray to the Lord.
  2. For all participants in the Plenary Council, that with Mary MacKillop as their guide they will discern what God is asking of the church in Australia. (Pause) Let us pray to the Lord.
  3. For First Nations people around the world, that the International Day of Indigenous Peoples will highlight the riches of their cultural heritage. (Pause) Let us pray to the Lord.
  4. For the peoples of the earth most vulnerable to the impact of global warming, that their plight will prove the need for decisive international climate action. (Pause) Let us pray to the Lord.
  5. For all engaged in the education of children, the welfare of women or the care of the poor, that Mary MacKillop will inspire their devoted service. (Pause) Let us pray to the Lord.
  6. For health care workers in under-resourced countries risking their lives to care for COVID patients, that they will stay safe and strong. (Pause) Let us pray to the Lord.
  7. For all members and associates of the Sisters of St Joseph, that they will know the joy of Christ, even on the way of the cross. (Pause) Let us pray to the Lord.
  8. For those afflicted with disabling illness or chronic pain, as was Mary MacKillop, that they may have the patience and courage to bear their suffering. (Pause) Let us pray to the Lord.
  9. For the recently deceased . . . and for those whose anniversary of death occurs around this time, that they will join Mary Mackillop and all the saints at the banquet of eternal life. (Pause) Let us pray to the Lord.


God of mercy, you raised up Mary MacKillop to be a tireless apostle of compassion in this land. May our hearts be fired with her passion for justice. We ask this through Christ our Lord.