Prayers of the people: The shared path

28 October 2021

In this week’s intercessionary prayers for parishes, we pray for faith-filled Catholic women. Thirty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B, 7 November 2021.


Pope Francis has clearly taken a leaf out of Jesus’ playbook. His scathing criticism of ‘princes of the church’ for self-serving lifestyles is no less trenchant than Jesus’ attacks on the religious authorities of his day.

It’s commonplace now to name clericalism as a prime obstacle to church reform and renewal. However true, plainly there are two risks involved in this analysis. One, that it does an injustice to clerics who are true servants of the community. The other, that it diverts attention away from our common reluctance to make Jesus’ self-emptying our own.

The path of synodality on which Pope Francis has called the whole church doesn’t have lanes for ‘us’ and ‘them’. It’s a way shared by all.


For faith-filled Catholic women, that their desire to place their gifts at the service of the church’s mission will be fully realised.


These intercessions are offered for selected use at Sunday Mass in the parish alongside those that express local needs and concerns.


Dear friends, Jesus became poor for our sake that we might be rich in his love. In the spirit of that love let us pray for the world and all who live in it.


We pray for the whole of creation, that world leaders at the Glasgow climate summit will commit to the actions needed to limit global warming. (Pause for silent prayer) Lord, hear us.

We pray for nations burdened with poverty, that they will not be even further disadvantaged by climate change and the coronavirus pandemic. (Pause for silent prayer) Lord, hear us.

We pray for scientists of every kind, that their expertise and endeavours will serve the cause of world peace and development. (Pause for silent prayer) Lord, hear us.

We pray for local churches around the world, that they will welcome Pope Francis’ call to participate in preparations for the Roman synod on synodality. (Pause for silent prayer) Lord, hear us.

We pray for all citizens of Australia, that they will cherish the values of democracy and contribute actively to the common good. (Pause for silent prayer) Lord, hear us.

We pray for refugees and asylum seekers, especially those held in detention by Australia, that they will be treated with full respect for their human rights. (Pause for silent prayer) Lord, hear us.

We pray for secondary and tertiary students engaged in final exams, that their disrupted studies will not deny them the achievement they hope for. (Pause for silent prayer) Lord, hear us.

We pray for our parish community, that the poor and vulnerable in our midst will be welcomed, respected and supported. (Pause for silent prayer) Lord, hear us.

We pray for the recently deceased, for those whose anniversary of death occurs around this time, and for all who are brought to mind by Remembrance Day, that they will be blessed with the everlasting peace of God. (Pause for silent prayer) Lord, hear us.


Gracious God, your Son emptied himself that we might be filled with life. Grant us the courage to give freely of ourselves in love. We ask this through Christ our Lord.